Still Waiting for Your Relationship to Suddenly

Get Better?

(Maybe It’s Time to Try Something New…)

For 16 years I’ve been guiding couples from frustration and hopelessness to renewed faith in the medicine of love! 95% of my clients improve and stay together… Who will be next?

So Many Couples Come In My Door Hungry For Changes That’ll Actually Stick

Maybe some of This

sounds familiar…

Maybe some of This

sounds familiar…

Maybe some of This sounds familiar…

Are you sick and tired of walking in the same dysfunctional circles? Completely baffled at why your partner keeps acting like a selfish, overgrown child? Or why YOU do..?

Do you sometimes feel completely alone (even though you’re not)? Trapped?

Or like you’re constantly scrambling to save your relationship from toppling over the edge? Because you’re so scared (or ashamed) of what life might look like without it?

Are past traumas, past injuries, and past insults getting in the way of experiencing healthy love right now?

Listen, None Of This Is Your Fault!

Most of us just never learn how to build solid, enduring relationships. This is a problem with SOCIETY – not a problem with YOU!

Modern families don’t exactly provide positive models of support and sensitivity. And in school we learn to navigate conflicts by debating and competing… Instead of negotiating and compromising...

Unfortunately, when it all catches up, the strain of a sputtering relationship drags down every area of your life!

The way you perform at your job or in your business… Your mental health and well-being... Your relationships with family and friends (as you grow irritable and stretched thin)…

And don’t even get me started on the bad choices people make while trying to save the sinking ship…

Now For The Good News:

You Don't Have To Figure It Out On Your Own Anymore!

So Many Couples Come In My Door Hungry For Changes That’ll Actually Stick

Maybe some of This sounds familiar...

Are you sick and tired of walking in the same dysfunctional circles? Completely baffled at why your partner keeps acting like a selfish, overgrown child? Or why YOU do..?

Do you sometimes feel completely alone (even though you’re not)? Trapped?

Or like you’re constantly scrambling to save your relationship from toppling over the edge? Because you’re so scared (or ashamed) of what life might look like without it?

Are past traumas, past injuries, and past insults getting in the way of experiencing healthy love right now?

Listen, None Of This Is Your Fault!

Listen, None Of This

Is Your Fault!

Most of us just never learn how to build solid, enduring relationships. This is a problem with SOCIETY – not a problem with YOU!

Modern families don’t exactly provide positive models of support and sensitivity. And in school we learn to navigate conflicts by debating and competing… Instead of negotiating and compromising...

Unfortunately, when it all catches up, the strain of a sputtering relationship drags down every area of your life!

The way you perform at your job or in your business… Your mental health and well-being... Your relationships with family and friends (as you grow irritable and stretched thin)…

And don’t even get me started on the bad choices people make while trying to save the sinking ship…

Now For The Good News: 

You Don't Have To Figure It Out On Your Own Anymore!

I’m a licensed psychotherapist and professional couples counselor with a Masters in Teaching, a Masters in Counseling Psychology, and a Holistic Coaching Credential (among countless other trainings).

And I seriously LOVE working with couples!

I’ve been working on my own personal development and supporting others through peer therapy, conflict resolution, and relationship-building since I was 14 years old… So by the time I made it to Graduate school and began work as a therapist, helping couples navigate through the toughest chapters of their lives, I knew this is what I HAD to do with my life. I’m completely invigorated by the energy of helping couples like you heal and awaken and become more aware…

...And so for the past two and a half decades I’ve been on a mission.

Using the latest research in attachment theory, neuroscience, and successful human relationships to help people experience more love, self-compassion, and connection than they ever thought possible…


 Alan & Ginny

Maya & Jim

 Alan & Ginny

Maya & Jim

Imagine Getting Excited About Love Again!

And drinking it up like a nourishing, life-saving medicine…

Imagine experiencing the renewed joy of a deep heart-felt connection… Being excited to create and share precious moments with one another…

Without worrying it’ll turn into an all-too-familiar disaster

What would it be like to feel confident and unafraid of hot-topics coming up with your partner… Because you know exactly how to solve these sticking points already

…And how to prevent them from turning into days of silence and emotional or physical separation?

Imagine never being the "failing couple" everyone worries about again… Becoming the confident TEAM in control of your beautiful destiny.

Imagine others seeing you as the "Relationship Heroes."

And seeking out YOUR guidance because you’ve clearly "figured it out!"

I’m Here

To Tell You

This Reality

Is Possible!

I’m Here To Tell You This Reality Is Possible!

And no matter what you’ve gone through to get here…

Introducing “Couples Medicine”

Couples Medicine is a 10-Module online course (roughly 5-7 video lessons per module plus exercises and more) that gives you practical skills you can start using instantly… to not only heal your relationship but make it thrive…

Discover how the latest scientific research can help you and your partner bond deeper, effectively navigate conflict, and build a vibrant intimate connection you can depend on!

A Relationship Journey In The Comfort Of Your Own Home!

See, for a long time I’ve been seeking a way to make a bigger impact with more people who want to get off the merry-go-round and start making REAL PROGRESS in their relationships. My private one-on-one practice is an extremely rewarding way to work with clients…BUT

…I wanted a way to reach more people than I ever could one-on-one… a way to provide support that’s more private… a way to help those who are too busy… and relief for those who need more flexible solutions than direct couples therapy.

Oh, and of course a way to support people who worry they aren’t wealthy enough to get the relationship guidance they need…

(Because c’mon, happiness shouldn’t be a luxury item!)

10 Modules Of “Love Medicine” For Results That Last A Lifetime!

This course is an in-depth process with lessons that build from one module to the next as I guide you through my CRR (Couples Responsibility, & Relief) Framework. This framework is based on research, proven skills, and practice through my in-person therapy sessions. These are the same principles that help the majority of my clients improve and stay together!

As a former teacher, I understand how people learn best, so my process includes positive reinforcement, lectures that turn into guided practice, individual time for reflection, and much more...

You will see major improvement each week and finally feel the relief you’ve been waiting for (see my guarantee!).

And the best part is that even if you and your current partner respectfully do decide to go your separate ways… what you learn in this course can transform all of your relationships forever!

Here’s Exactly

What You’ll Get

When You

Sign Up:

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get

When You Sign Up:

Who ARE We & Why Are We Together? 

In this first module, you’ll focus on your strengths as a couple and explore the unique purpose you serve in each other’s lives. You’ll determine your goals for the next 10 modules while learning how gratitude and self compassion can set the tone for this entire process (and beyond).

Why The “Couple Bubble” Is The Perfect Foundation for Love

In our tragically independent society, most relationships are built on the wrong premise! Find out how the “Couple Bubble” can become your safe and secure foundation in building a reality together that is based on principles of mutuality, fairness, justice, and sensitivity. You’ll develop a greater awareness of yourself and your partner while discovering how to unleash your willingness to be changed (in a good way)...

Personal Attachment Styles...Why You Bond And Why You Get Triggered

We are all wired by birth to depend on others, but how your needs were met in your family (if at all) creates your style of attaching yourself to others. Your personal style of relating with your partner comes with it’s own unique rewards... and its own unique wounds. In this module you’ll learn how grounding and developing a signal aligned with you or your partner’s attachment style can stop negative cycles in their tracks...

How Mutual Understanding Can Melt Barriers & Heal Your Wounded Selves

Let’s keep putting the pieces of the puzzle together by mapping out how the experiences from childhood not only lead to your attachment style... but also your “mask.” We all have a “lower self” with its own protective mechanisms that get in the way of relationship harmony and deep connection. In this module you’ll move from control patterns into vulnerability and the expression of your higher self….

Communication Made Simple, Clear, And Effective

Discover the 80/20 principle for getting through to anyone... and how you can turn shame or grandiosity into direct expressions of your deepest emotions and most important needs. This is your opportunity to learn the art of “active listening,” empathy, clear requests, and supportive action to start working together as a genuine TEAM…

Why Self Responsibility Is The Most Important Relationship Skill!

Now that you’ve got a practical communication process under your belt, it’s time to learn how you can use it to move from reacting to responding in your daily interactions. Once you fully own your desire to hurt when triggered… you can instead transform that drive into acceptance and accountability. And become responsible for disarming your partner to create positive relationship cycles that take off on their own...

The Counterintuitive VALUE Of Relationship Conflict (And How It Makes You Grow)

Did you know conflict is actually a healthy relationship process? In this module, you’ll discover the hidden benefits of conflict, and how it can become a mature process where everyone wins. Once you understand what you’re really “fighting for,” you’ll feel a deep relief in knowing that it’s all natural… and you can use this knowledge to create successful compromises that consistently propel your union to ever-greater heights... 

The Art of Relationship Repair Through Warm, Authentic Connection 

Injuries and ruptures from the past don’t stand a chance when you have a clear, practical way to start fixing things now. Connection is the “secret ingredient” that evolves dysfunction into a healthy and loving bond. Learn the five essential steps to mutual forgiveness and overcome any obstacle with a practice of empathic listening, validation, and heartfelt apologies. 

Intimacy Through Mental, Emotional, Physical, & Spiritual Connection

Is it really possible to maintain that “deliciously alive” feeling we all experience in a new relationship -- but for the long term? Rekindle intimacy at any moment by stoking the fires on multiple planes (physical, sensual, sexual)... and renew confidence and excitement at will. How? By reconnecting to your own sense of pleasure and advancing your understanding of the multiple levels of erotic connection... so you can be “available” for your beloved without sacrificing comfort or safety.

How “I Love You Rituals” Feed The Love Bank 

Want a powerful way to store up goodwill and closeness before things get a chance to veer off course? If love were medicine, what you learn in this module is the preventative care for relationship health. Learn how to generate deep affection through Couples Rituals, and shift into a creator consciousness inspired by appreciation, romance, and consistent desire for one another.

Couples Medicine Provides Proven Tools for Co-Creating The Relationship You’ve Been Wanting

So many new clients tell me, "I know what I should do, I just don't know how to do it."

Well, this course gives you all the “how to” you need to proactively steer your lovelife towards a turn for the better…

Whether taking it on your own or with a partner, you will:

  • Expand your capacity to hold conflict and learn how to engage rather than react…
  • ​Strengthen your resilience together and gain a new confidence in your ability to create immediate changes (whenever you need to)…
  • ​Develop a happy partnership of growing and healing together (this person is your number one teacher; are you ready to learn?)…
  • ​Get more relief, more assurance, and more confidence (because you know exactly what to do when you experience challenges)…
  • ​Learn practical and strategic skills that ACTUALLY work!
  • ​Finally reach peace in your relationship… and the growing intimacy that comes when you remove your greatest sources of stress…
  • ​Know exactly what to do when things go south… by listening non-defensively and expressing your emotions and needs in a way that gets through... plus how to empathize, validate, and sooth your partner (without sacrificing your own values)...
  • ​Therapeutic tools for repairing current ruptures... or even injuries from the past...


Sign Up Now And You'll Get Instant Access To These Limited-Time BONUSES:


Couples Workbook With 30 Research Based Activities & Exercises

Find out which skills are paramount to a successful partnership, while studying ways to embody and apply them no matter what relationship stage you're at. Imagine the possibilities when you become a natural at emotional regulation, empathizing, listening and much more! 

Value:  $127


Access to the PRIVATE “Couples Medicine” FB Group

You'll get exclusive access to The Couples Medicine Community, where you can meet other couples like yourself, receive or give support and get additional resources from Brendan to aid your development as a relationship master!

For one hour every month we meet on Facebook Live where I personally give a short lesson and answer questions from you and other members of the course!

Value: $497/year


“Romantic Gestures” Guide with 25 creative ways to wow your partner 

Reignite your romance through these 25 creative and heart-opening acts of love and support... You'll get suggestions that will help you design rituals, acts of service, words of affirmations, and other special moments that will stay with them forever… plus breakdowns on why they’re so effective so you can come up with some of your own original ideas...

Value: $47


Four Calming Meditations to Guide You Through Conflict

Natanya Ruth, Transformational Coach & Breathwork Facilitator, will take you from distress to relaxation whether you have 15 minutes or only two - find just the right meditation for the moment, easily downloaded for your phone or other devices.

Value: $97

5 Reasons Couples Medicine Is Different Than Other Relationship-Saving Resources

  • This Is A Much More Flexible Solution Than Couples Therapy! Not everyone has the time or opportunity to get together with their partner and sit down with a licensed relationship therapist. Whether it’s your time, your location, or your preference (maybe in-person therapy just isn’t for you)... the online format of the Couples Medicine course brings the tools to you! Watch the training videos from the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule. Practice with your partner and get involved with the group as you like -- all totally up to you!

  • Cheaper Than Couples Therapy Too! Of course, it’s way cheaper than anything my colleagues or I could provide in the office, where you would pay well over $10,000 over time for our undivided attention. There will still be an investment here, but if therapy is a bit out of your budget range, this could be the perfect step up from trying to figure it all out on your own!

  • Benefit And Learn From The Group. Even in a Couples Therapy setting, where you’re paying more money, you’ll likely be one-on-one with a therapist (or there with your partner). But in this course you’ll ALSO get a chance to discuss and learn with other members in the private Facebook group. Even if you’re more of the quiet type and would rather be a fly on the wall, this gives you an opportunity to learn from other couples who are juggling the same problems as you!

  • More Comprehensive Than Other Online Solutions. Sure, there are other relationship resources online, but you won’t find anything that covers as much ground as we do in Couples Therapy. When you purchase your membership, you’ll not only get 10 modules of video training (5-7 videos per module) but access to our great bonuses, including private Facebook group and weekly coaching calls!

  • Get The Tools & Science To Become The Expert Of Your Own Relationship. Yes, this work is based on the latest science plus my 25 Years of experience, but I’ll never pretend to be the “expert” on YOUR relationship. We all have a wealth of knowledge based on our unique life experiences... and my aim is to EMPOWER you with the right tools and self-belief to become a relationship master!

Okay, Let’s Recap...

Here's What You'll Get When You Place Your Order For Membership In The Couples Medicine Program Now:

  • Couples Medicine Course in 10 accessible modules (Worth $4,500)

  • BONUS: Couples Workbook With 30 Research Based Activities & Exercises (Worth $127)

  • BONUS: Access to the PRIVATE “Couples Medicine” FB Group (Worth $497/year)

  • BONUS: ​Romantic Gestures Guide with 25 creative ways to wow your partner (Worth $47)

  • BONUS: Four Calming Meditations to Guide You Through Conflict (Worth $97)

Add that all up and...

...You Receive A Total Of Over $5,268 Value With Your Purchase!

But Of Course I’m Not going To Charge You $5,268

I don’t want this to just be a relationship-saving solution for the wealthy couples out there. No.

I created this course online because I want to make these lessons available to more people who may not otherwise have access to them…

So I’ve decided to make this available to online members at

ONLY $970


6 payments of $197

Start Now For The Early Bird Special

(Don’t Miss Out!)

We’re super excited to welcome you into the growing group of individuals who are committed to making their relationship closer, stronger, longer-lasting, and more “exciting”…

...And we really want to get this new course off the ground fast so we can start showing more people across the country that healthy relationships ARE possible for everyone…

So as a gesture of thanks to our first students…

I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll in Couples Medicine TODAY at the special promo price of just…

ONLY $497


3 payments of $197

Yes, my amazing team and I are working around the clock to finalize and launch by March 2021. And today you have a chance to sign up early and get a fantastic deal by doing so.

Remember, 95% of the couples I work with improve and are able to implement these foundational tools into daily life together.

The other 5% feel relief that they gave it their best effort and realize it’s better to lovingly uncouple.

Which one will you be?

I GUARANTEE this course will improve your Relational Stress Test by 75%

If you don’t have a 75% reduction of stress as indicated by the results of retaking the test, I will personally offer you two complementary couples sessions.

This is a zero-risk proposition. My in-person couples pay $500 for one session, so you really have nothing to lose (and everything to gain) by taking me up on this offer!

Just Think How Much Other Couples Spend Trying To Save A Struggling Relationship...

$ 16,000

For Divorce

$ 14,400

For Couples Therapy

$ 3,500

For A Weekend Workshop

$ 7,000

For Lavish Gifts

That's over $ 40,900

Sure, some of these methods obviously work for some couples. But it can be tough to find the right fit and a solution flexible enough to stick with…

And all too often what people get for their money is “relationship exhaustion,” disillusionment, and endless hamster wheel of dissatisfaction…

...Instead You Can Get Excited About Love Again For Only $970

Use The Form Below To Get Instant Access
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let's recap

Here's What You'll Get: 

  • Couples Medicine Course in 10 accessible modules (Worth $4,500)
  • BONUS: Couples Workbook With 30 Research Based Activities & Exercises (Worth $127)
  • BONUS: Access to the PRIVATE “Couples Medicine” FB Group (Worth $497/year)
  • BONUS: ​“Romantic Gestures” Guide with 25 creative ways to wow your partner (Worth $47)
  • BONUS: Four Calming Meditations to Guide You Through Conflict (Worth $97)



"One of the things I loved most about the Couples Medicine course was that it provided my husband and me with the tools to spend dedicated, quality time together discussing the strengths and weaknesses of our relationship. Through the exercises, I gained the ability to see how both of us contribute to our patterns of negative behavior. The lessons also provided me with skills that I can use to try and improve these negative patterns. I highly recommend the Couples Medicine course to anyone who wants a clear, easy-to-follow path towards a deeper and more compassionate love. "

- Maya & Jim, Martinez -

What we loved about the Couples Medicine Course was how Brendan takes such an empathetic approach to helping couples work through their struggles. With his years of experience working with hundreds of couples, he digs deep to the root of where most couple's issues come from and teaches you how to think about your behavior differently, from the perspective of "we" instead of "me." In taking the course, we were reminded of why we got together in the first place and by holding ourselves accountable for our behavior, we realized where we had gotten lazy in our relationship.

Brendan provides you with the tools you need to see your relationship improve and succeed. As long as you dedicate time weekly to watch the videos and practice the exercises, you'll be able to see your relationship will take on a new life. The best part is that if you find that that you drop into old behavior patterns again after a while, you can always take the course over and get the benefits all over again!

- Rob & Izzy -

"Couples Medicine is a potent offering from the heart, soul and wisdom of The Love Therapist Brendan Hall, MFT. Brendan weaves together his nurturing guidance along with actionable practices and supportive tools for creating harmonious, co-creative relationships. Since implementing listening, mindfulness and communication strategies highlighted in Couples Medicine, my partner and I have released old patterns of blame, reactivity and impatience, and replaced them with compassionate and authentic communication. What I love most about Couples Medicine is that it's for anyone, whether you're in partnership or not, and Brendan's kind, relatable, and science-based approach invites us into deeper connection with our loved ones as we notice the interplay of our behaviors and remember we're here to love and grow. Such beautiful medicine! Thank you!" 

- Natanya & Sean

What Will Life Look Like 1 Year, 2 Years, 5 Years, 10 Years Down The Road If You Don’t Fix This Now?

Will you still be living with that constant fear that your relationship (or some new relationship) is on the verge of crumbling…?

Will you constantly feel on the verge of losing someone you love -- unsure how to hold on while at the same time too scared to let go…?

Will you be plagued by the judgements of others, who’ve noticed you never seem to be able to make things work…?

Will you be stuck in the same ongoing, harmful, cyclical conflict? Held down by ruptures and injuries you never repaired...?

Will you feel like you’re living with a stranger? Stuck and confused about why your partner seems so amazing sometimes and why you have no idea who they are at other times...?

Or Will You Join The 95% Of Clients Who Find New Freedom In Love & Self-Expression?

There’s nothing more tragic than watching people who continue failing in their relationships because they refuse to admit they might be part of the problem...

People who tell themselves they’re doing just fine… That they can “figure it out on their own”... Or that it’s just their partner who needs to change a little…

And if there’s just one thing you walk away with when you stop reading this page (even if you don’t join us), it should be this.

The single most powerful thing you can change to influence the success (or lack of success) in your love life is… YOURSELF.

You have to take responsibility for it all. Your hang-ups. Your triggers. Your history. Your wounds. You have to figure out how this stuff contributes to how you show up and behave in your relationship…

Whether or not your partner joins you for the ride, shifting from being “right” to being effective is the key to winning with your relationship.

And I can’t promise it’ll always be easy, but if you put in the work…

...You WILL experience an evolution in love.

It All Begins With The Healing Power Of Couples Medicine

Sign up today and get started!


1. Can we really save our relationship through an online course? Can it really compare to Couples Therapy?

Yes, definitely! And at the same time… no.

Listen, an online course is not therapy - it’s not the personalized care some couples may need to get through some of their biggest sticking points. But many couples CAN get dramatic results from an online course as well when they learn to take OWNERSHIP of these tools and become relationship masters.

In fact, online courses work BETTER for some couples because of the flexibility, the pace of small bits of information they can practice on their own, the ability to do it in the comfort of their own home, and lower stress due to the cost (not everyone can afford personalized therapy).

Some couples really do take in this information better through a more traditional learning format and "processing" the various concepts over 50-minute lectures. And finally, we always learn best by doing… so committing to practice (instead of just talking) will be a huge change-driver when it comes to manifesting results in your relationship!

2. Do I need to do this course with my partner?

No, not at all!

It’s great if you can both get on board to take it together, but just one of you having the information on this course can have a “contagious” effect on your relationship. Many of my clients who come in alone notice a few behavioral changes can quickly spill over into their partner’s behavior and make every interaction healthier…

Even if you’re single or just getting out of a relationship, the information you’ll learn in Couples Medicine can prepare you to patch things up, meet someone who is a better fit, or experience a lifetime of healthier and more satisfying love and sex moving forward…

Note: There will be some exercises we do where I ask you to practice with your partner, but of course you can still just do those by yourself.

3. Will you be covering specific challenges such as affairs, sexual issues, or chronic ambivalence?

In my advanced course, Couples Healing, I explore more specific and in-depth issues such as affairs, sexual issues, self esteem, chronic ambulance, managing thirds, etc.

It is required to take Couples Medicine in order to take Level 2: Couples Healing - but that’s only so every one who reaches that level already has a sound understanding of what it takes to make relationships work!

Listen, I know that may be a little disappointing…

But think about it this way.

The #1 reason most couples can’t make relationships work comes down to building relationships on a shaky foundation. We just don’t “learn” the right skills for healthy relationships in our culture…

And the good news is that 90% of couples could probably make things better INSTANTLY if they just got the basics down! So no matter what problems you’re facing in your relationship, you may very well find that the information in Level 1, “Couples Medicine,” is all you need to transform the quality of your relationship AND the quality of your lives...

4. My partner won’t take any responsibility for our issues. Will this program still help?

Blame cycles are common in relationships.

If one or both of you are grandiose, meaning you are unable to take responsibility for how YOU contribute the negative cycles and state of affairs, then you will have a lot of difficulty with this program.

There has to be a willingness to change and take some responsibility, (without defensiveness), for you both to grow and heal.

You’re welcome to try this program AND you probably should work with a licensed couples therapist if this is a recurring problem you can’t get past.

5. Who is not appropriate for this course?

If you are dealing with the following issues, you will probably need guidance from a licensed therapist due to the severe and complex nature of what you're holding:

🗹 High conflict together (0-60 escalation, screaming, attacks, threats, out of control behaviors, etc.)

🗹 Substance abuse issues

🗹 Physical or sexual abuse in your relationship

​🗹 One or both of you have a personality disorder (Obsessive-Compusive, Narcissistic, Borderline, Bi-polar Personality Disorder, etc.)

​🗹 One or both of you participating in an active affair

6. I have other questions you didn’t include here. What should I do?

No problem! I’m here to serve. Reach me anytime at or 415.890.3773. I’ll get back to you ASAP and see what we can do...

Or Sign Up And Let’s Start This Together

Copyright @ Brendan Hall. All Rights Reserved.